Persuasion skills

Learning objective/Rationale: Improving skills for persuading, presenting and arguing in an adequate manner.

Description of the method/nr. of persons of the group for which the method is suitable: The participants form 3 groups and choose a topic for a discussion. For example, “Should a person with low vision be trained and treated like a blind person or like a sighted person”. Group 1 has to persuade everyone in favour of the idea that the person should be treated like blind. Group 2 has to prove that the person should be considered as sighted. Group 3 will consist of people who are not convinced about both points of view. They have to listen carefully to the other groups and decide whose part to take. A game for at least 9 participants – 3 in each group.

Materials needed: Optional paper and pencils or board with markers.

Time: 20 minutes

Questions for discussions/Debriefing:

  • What was the most difficult for you in this task?
  • What was the most pleasant and the easiest?
  • Was it hard for you to present and convince the others? How did their reactions affect your performance?
  • Did you manage to listen carefully and understand what others were saying or asking?
  • What do you believe is the best way to win an argument?

Source: VIVA Erasmus+ project

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