Description of the method/nr. of persons of the group for which the method is suitable: Best for groups of up to 10-12 participants. A concentration exercise to learn to work in unison and to learn to tune yourself up to how the others are feeling and what they are projecting – a connection exercise, which builds confidence within a group and for each individual member.
Implementation of the exercise: The participants stand in a circle. The conductor helps the group find the concentration to start, pays attention to the participants’ posture, which must be relaxed and as neutral as possible. The facilitator chooses a conductor among the participants. This conductor has to take a step forward and stretch out an arm (left or right) towards the center of the circle and say loudly the vocal sound “HA”. As the conductor starts this movement, the whole group has to attempt to do the same movement and sound in perfect synchrony together with the leader. Then all participants return to their starting position, ready for a new try with a new leader. Variation: All participants can keep their eyes closed during the exercise.
Time: 25 minutes
Materials: None
Questions for discussions/Debriefing: How did you feel while doing the exercise? How did you feel as a leader? How did you manage the synchrony?
Source: VISION Erasmus+ project